Here: Poems for The Planet. Elizabeth J. Coleman at UCS Poetry of Science
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Above is a clip from “Pizza Day” (f.k.a “Joy Had No Use for E”), which I had the pleasure of reading at @wordupbooks on October 23. Poets Patricia Brody, Lucille Lang Day, and Alicia Ostriker also read poems inspired by the theme “Why Poetry Matters” in this challenging time. (October 2023 at Word Up Community Bookshop at Amsterdam & 165th St.)
This poem about winter in a time of climate change touches on the devastating fact that more frequent and severe natural disasters can and will cause entire communities to be displaced, leading, among many disturbing outcomes, to the loss of languages and cultures. And the poem alludes to the idea of not appropriating the languages of other cultures.
2023 was the hottest year on record by a significant margin. With Cop 28, is the world finally ready to make desperately needed changes?
“Nearly 200 countries convened by the United Nations approved a milestone plan to ramp up renewable energy and transition away from coal, oil and gas.”
Please join poets Patricia Brody, Lucille Lang Day, Alicia Ostriker, and me for an evening of poetry (“Why Poetry Matters”) Tuesday Oct 10th at 7pm--at Word Up Community Bookshop at Amsterdam & 165th St.
It’s often asked if poetry matters. Four women poets will read work that demonstrates why it does. Patricia Brody, Elizabeth J. Coleman, Lucille Lang Day, and Alicia Ostriker will read work that helps light our way forward.
This event is a $5 suggested donation ticket with 30 max attendees. Please register in advance.
Join us for a reading at 1053Main Gallery in Fleischmanns, NY on Saturday, July 16, 20224- 6pm.
Inspired by Robin Factor's landscape paintings, we'll be reading poems about internal & external landscapes.
Please join us for this AWP Conference event Saturday, March 26, 2022.
Elizabeth will be moderating a panel on Eco Poetry Anthologies with poets/anthologists Ruth Nolan, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Craig Santos Perez, PhD., and Laura-Gray Street.
@ruthnolan @TerrapinBooks @craigsperez @awpwriter @RClgstreet
Five ecopoetry anthology editors will discuss editing and publicizing anthologies (international, national, or local) encouraging action on our environmental crisis and environmental injustice that can help readers feel a sense of both urgency and hope. Some of us have collaborated with scientific or environmental organizations, donating royalties and developing action guides. We will discuss organizing the book, finding a publisher, and working with the publisher to develop a unique point of view.
Elizabeth was one of the poets invited to the UCS event Poetry of Science, on October 2021.
The Union of Concerned Scientists is a national nonprofit organization founded more than 50 years ago by scientists and students at MIT. Follow UCS @UCSUSA on Twitter and on Instagram @unionofconcernedscientists.
The full recording of the UCS event Poetry of Science, on October 2021. A virtual conversation among five contemporary poets whose work explores science and our relationship to the earth.
• Elizabeth J. Coleman (moderator, editor of HERE: Poems for the Planet)
• Kimiko Hahn
• Jane Hirshfield
• Jenny Qi
• Sarah Sala
Including a special appearance by Maria Melendez Kelson.
@kimiko.hahn @PoetryFound @JQiii @MKelsonAuthor @UCSUSA